Using dance, film, music and computer imagery Memory Descent depicts the feeling of depersonalization, a condition in which the affected person feels divorced from their physicality. Understanding the space around you - its gravity, limitations, definitions and order - provides a necessarily self-referential experience. In a depersonalized state we navigate our world in a haze, experiencing something new in the old that belies tangible definition.
Memory Descent follows our dancer protagonist as she plummets into the ocean depths. As she sinks, she interacts with fish and octopi, but never with a surface. Down becomes up- deep sea becomes deep space. From space, Earth’s gravity begins to pull her back toward its center. She completes her uncanny loop, rocketing through the earth’s atmosphere and into the ocean once again. In this serene aesthetic journey the viewer travels with the dancer as space seamlessly morphs and bends during oscillations between sinking and falling.